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You will be sent a grizzly black and white feather, beetwen 24 and 28 cm long OR BETWEEN 19 AND 24 CM LONG ''DISCOUNT DEALS'' for shorter hair! Choose from a range of numerous levels of thickness, more discount deals on thin XL feathers! Wideness is mentionned on the dropdown menu. Choose from a range of coloured feathers with a pearl clip, blond,...
You will be sent a grizzly black and white feather, between 24 and 28 cm long, OR BETWEEN 19 AND 24 CM LONG DISCOUNT DEAL for shorter hair! Choose from different thickness, with discount deal on thin XL feathers! Wideness (in mm) is mentionned on the dropdown menu.
You will be sent a grizzly black and white feather, over 24 cm long ! This feather is 2 to 4 mm wide. Choose from a range of coloured feathers with a pearl clip, blond, chestnut, brown, brown auburnor black! All to be selected on the dropdown menu !
You will be sent a grizzly black and white feather, over 24 cm long and over 6 mm thick. Choose from a range of coloured feathers with pearl clip, blond, chestnut, brown, brown auburnor black! All to be selected on the dropdown menu !
You will be sent a grizzly blonde and light brown feather, over 24 cm long! Choose from a range of coloured feathers with pearls clips, blond, chestnut, brown, brown auburnor black! All to be selected on the dropdown menu!
You will be sent a grizzly chocolate brown and black feather, over 24 cm long! Choose from a range of coloured feathers with a pearl clip, blond, chestnut, brown, brown auburnor black! All to be selected on the dropdown menu !
You will be sent an off white feather, over 24 cm long! Choose from a range of coloured feathers with a pearl clip, blond, chestnut, brown, brown auburnor black! All to be selected on the dropdown menu !
You will be sent a grizzly blue king feather, between 20 and 24 cm long! Choose from different thickness ! Wideness (in mm) is mentionned on the dropdown menu. Choose from a range of coloured feathers with pearl clip, blond, chestnut, brown, brown auburnor black! All to be selected on the dropdown menu !
You will be sent a grizzly pink sweet feather, between 20 and 24 cm long! Choose from different thickness ! Wideness (in mm) is mentionned on the dropdown menu. Choose from a range of coloured feathers with pearl clip, blond, chestnut, brown, brown auburnor black! All to be selected on the dropdown menu !
You will be sent a bright sweet pink feather, beetwen 20 and 24 cm long ! Choose from a range of numerous levels of thickness! Wideness is in mm and mentionned on the dropdown menu. Choose from a range of coloured feathers with a pearl clip, blond, chestnut, brown, brown auburnor black! All to be selected on the dropdown menu !
You will be sent a bright red passion feather, between 20 and 24 cm long. Choose from different thicknesses ! Wideness is mentionned in mm on the dropdown menu. Choose from a range of coloured feathers with pearl clip, blond, chestnut, brown, brown auburnor black! All to be selected on the dropdown menu !
You will be sent a grizzly turquoise feather, between 2 and 4 mm thick, or XL (disheveled base over 1,5 cm), over 24 cm long Choose from a range of coloured feathers with a pearl clip, blond, chestnut, brown, brown auburnor black! All to be selected on the dropdown menu !
You will be sent a grizzly blue king feather, between 2 and 4 mm in wideness (thin) or XXL (disheveled base over 1,5 cm) and over 24 cm long! Choose from a range of coloured feathers with pearl clip, blond, chestnut, brown, brown auburnor black! All to be selected on the dropdown menu !
You will be sent a green emerald feather, between 2 and 4 mm (thin) or XXL (disheleved base over 1,5 cm), over 24 cm long ! Choose from a range of coloured feathers with pearl clip, blond, chestnut, brown, brown auburnor black! All to be selected on the dropdown menu !
You will be sent a grizzly sweet pink feather, between 2 and 4 mm (thin) or XXL (disheveled base over 1,5 cm), over 24 cm long! Choose from a range of coloured feathers with pearl clip, blond, chestnut, brown, brown auburnor black! All to be selected on the dropdown menu !
You will be sent a grizzly bright fluorescent pink feather, between 2 and 4 mm (thin) or XXL (disheveled base over 1,5 cm), over 24 cm long! Choose from a range of coloured feathers with pearl clip, blond, chestnut, brown, brown auburnor black! All to be selected on the dropdown menu !
You will be sent a mashed up red fruit feather, mix up between plum and pink, between 2 and 4 mm (thin) or XXL (disheveled base over 1,5 cm), over 24 cm long! Choose from a range of coloured feathers with pearl clip, blond, chestnut, brown, brown auburnor black! All to be selected on the dropdown menu !
You will be sent a grizzly purple feather, between 2 and 4 mm (thin) or XXL (disheleved base over 1,5 cm), over 24 cm long ! Choose from a range of coloured feathers with pearl clip, blond, chestnut, brown, brown auburnor black! All to be selected on the dropdown menu !